Welcome to

Neighborhood Church raised
over $16,000 to forgive $1.6 million dollars of medical debt in Mecklenburg & Cabarrus Counties.
As of June 2021, WE’re Meeting at 5pm in Center City Church’s space on Freedom Drive.

a new church For all the misfits
We want to create space for people to explore faith in Jesus. That call to create space is tough because we've all been trained to define the work of God before he does it. Our sense is that God is about to do something profound and that our call is to create the space (in ourselves and physically) for him to do it. We know we have work to do and aren't scared to do it. But we know it's only the Lord who is able to put the lonely in families, set the captives free, bring wanderers home, open blind eyes and deaf ears, breathe life on dead situations, and bring about his good and beautiful kingdom here in Charlotte as it is in heaven. So we work and we wait and we pray toward those ends. Do you feel nudged to join us? We'd love it.